Urban sketching workshops are a good way to travel & sketch. Have you ever been frustrated when you can’t find time to sketch in your trips? If you travel in a group, your companions usually won’t agree waiting for you until you finish your sketch. Here is the solution: travel with a group of urban sketching freaks like you! My sketching workshops are organized for a group of 10 sketchers. You will have free time to travel and discover. And sketching time with people that will be by your side 2-3 hours until we all finish the sketch. No hurries.

Who are these urban sketching workshops made for?
Basically these workshops are for beginners. If you are an experienced urban sketcher you may think these workshops are not for you; but think it this way: you can always learn something new, and it’s a good chance to know a place and enjoy sketching together. But basically the goal of these workshops is to start with it, lose the fear to sketch live, at the street, know how to face a blank page.
And who is Joaquin?
Joaquin is an experienced urban sketcher, founder of the USk Madrid group and official instructor of the Urban Sketchers international group since 2023. He gave some workshops in the 11th International Symposium in Auckland, New Zealand.

He has been doing workshops (specially for urbansketching beginners) for nearly 10 years, in Madrid, Crete, Morocco, Thailand, New Zealand, France, Italy, Holland and Portugal. You can see this year’s workshops at this website: https://joaquindorao.com/talleres
He speaks fluent english (he gave some workshops in english at the last NZ USk Symposium) and has given some workshops in french too at the Clermont-Ferrand Travel sketchbooks Festival in France. So he is available to teach in 3 languages: spanish, english and french.
What should I bring?
HERE is a list of all the material you should bring. Basically:
- Watercolor paper sketchbook. Paper 200 gr
- Pencil 0.7 HB
- Eraser
- Calibrated Pen (Unipen or Micron) of at lest 0.2 and 0.8
- Small box of watercolors (12 or 24 semi godets). For instance Cotman, Schminke, White Nightsm Sennelier.
- Brushes (water brushed or normal ones, synthetic, number 4 and 12 for instance.
And here is a video (in spanish) about the basic kit:
So which are the next urban sketching workshops?
This year I have an exciting interesting workshop in ATHENS, from 1st to 7th October.

And if you are interested in Spain, I have a few workshops here in summer:

Follow Joaquin in social media
If you want to see what is he doing right now, follow Joaquin at:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/JoaquinGonzalezDorao
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/joaquingonzalezdorao
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JoaquinGonzalezDorao